Advoc8te Weighs In On 'All Hands On Deck' In WashPo Article

A few weeks ago (coincidently right before the gas station shooting) I did an interview with the Washington Post on MPD's former program, 'All Hands on Deck.' Despite the latest shooting in Congress Heights (which did not occur during an AHOD) I still support the 'All Hands On Deck' program. I liked having it in my neighborhood, even if it was purely symbolic (which I don't think it was).  Hopefully some compromise can be made to bring more police to the streets.

Best of all if it wasn't for an AHOD I would have never had the opportunity to get to know the police who patrol my neighborhood, including the very awesome and very dedicated Assistant Chief Diane Groomes.  I just love that lady, and one of my fondest memories is of seeing her and about 25 other officers from 7D patrol my streets during a particularly gnarly weekend of crime a few years ago.

It's hard to prove a negative (that crime was deterred) but I can't deny my positive feelings in seeing the police on the streets in force, even temporarily.

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article.


The opinions of residents, however, are less frequently heard. In interviews, residents across the city expressed a range of opinions over its effectiveness. 
“It emboldens the community to do what they were already doing — report crime, be vigilant and contribute to a safe atmosphere,” said Peele, a Congress Heights condo owner and blogger . 
“I don’t believe that [All Hands on Deck] is all that effective in targeting criminals,” said Moulton, president of the Convention Center Community Association. “Even the most marginally intelligent criminal, when they see a police officer, will walk away.”

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