WBJ | Busboys and Poets heading to Anacostia in 2016

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Busboys and Poets, the combination restaurant, bookstore and event venue that has helped invigorate many of the region's neighborhoods, is headed to Anacostia's main drag in D.C.'s Ward 8 come 2016. 
Busboys and Poets owner Andy Shallal and the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative (FSFSC) are expected to outline plans for a 7,000-square-foot location at 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE on Wednesday. 
In addition to being its own brand of community gathering spot and restaurant, the new Busboys location will be a hospitality and culinary leadership training center. 
"There had been a pretty big campaign by the community to recruit restaurants and other amenities to the neighborhood," said Perry Moon, executive director of FSFSC. "And we quickly moved toward the idea of also providing training that could lead to real employment for the residents."