UrbanTurf | Busboys Will Open In Anacostia, But When?

From "pop-up" to "permanent"?
This has been the culinary buzz on the streets. While I do believe it will go somewhere, the million dollar question is "when?"

Perhaps when some entity (maybe the DC government) makes it financially attractive (tax abatement, grant, subsidy, etc.) to do so. If we can do it for the big corporations why not a local business? Just saying. :)

Go HERE for the full article by UrbanTurf.


Shallal didn’t offer the group too many exact details, just mentioning that he had been “talking to some operators.” Last month, Housing Complex reported that Shallal was looking at the space currently occupied by Uniontown Bar and Grill. Shallal didn’t address that, but did say that he was waiting for the right space, one that was in the “sweet spot,” presumably the area around the intersection of Martin Luther King Avenue and Good Hope Road SE (map), near Honfleur GalleryBig Chair Coffee and The Hive. 
Shallal elaborated on his vision for Busboys a bit more, seeming anxious to get in quickly to assume the position of an early adopter in the slowly rising neighborhood. He is currently on the Board of the Anacostia Community Museum, he told the group, and is interested in representing the history of Anacostia appropriately in the new Busboys, just as the original is inspired by the history of U Street and the Hyattsville location seeks to serve local artists with their in-house art store. “I always do my research on a community,” Shallal assured the group.

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