WE NEED YOU!!! Why not run for an Advisory Neighborhood Commisison (ANC) position?

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods, including traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection, and the District's annual budget.In each of these areas, the intent of the ANC legislation is to ensure input from an advisory board that is made up of the residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government action. The ANCs are the body of government with the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood.

We need NEW leadership in most of our ANCs! About 98% of the ANC Commisioners in Ward 8 run unapposed! We need the BEST candidates for our community not the ONLY candidates!

2008 Election Information

6, 5, 4, . . . January 2!

Election Information for Prospective ANC Candidates
Keep these dates in mind: August 6th, September 5th, and November 4th.

On Wednesday, August the 6th, the Board of Elections will begin giving out nomination petitions for the next ANC elections. Interested candidates will then have until close of business Friday, September the 5th to return the petitions with the signatures of (at least) 25 registered voters who also live in the Single Member District (SMD) that they wish to represent. And on November 4th, Election Day, the voters will make their selection. The winning candidates will take office after noon on January 2nd once they are sworn in.

Candidates must go to the Board personally to pick up their petitions, or send a representative to pick them up. (If you send a representative, you will need to give your representative a letter authorizing them to pick up the peititions on your behalf.) In addition to the petitions, the Board will also give the candidates a list of the registered voters who live in their SMD and a map of the SMD's boundaries. Candidates will also need to file a "Declaration of Candidacy." You can file this form when you pick up the petitions, or you can file it when you turn in your petitions, but you must file it before the September 5th deadline.

The Board is located on the second floor of 441 4th Street NW in room 250N. Their phone number is 727-2525. You can also pick up a lot of useful information by visiting their website at http://www.dcboee.org/.

Finally, the qualifications for running for ANC are quite simple. You must be a registered voter and have lived in your SMD for 60 days before submitting your nomination petitions (in other words you must have begun living in your SMD by July 7th of this year.)